The Board of Directors consists of twelve members, each serving staggered 3-year terms, so that 4 memberships expire each year. Board members are elected by the Society at the annual membership meeting in February.  Unexpired terms are filled by the board until the next annual meeting. Five officers – President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer – are elected by the board from its twelve members.


President — Max Lacy
Vice President — Penn Bowers
Recording Secretary — Phil Brockman
Corresponding Secretary — Martha Breeden
Treasurer — Judy Mahanes

Board members: Arlene Aylor, Essie Berry, Penn Bowers, Martha Breeden, Phil Brockman,
Janice Carpenter, Dennis Coppedge, Max Lacy, Judy Mahanes, Pam Nelson, Beppy White, and Nancy Garnett Williams.


The Board meets on the second Thursday of each month. All meetings are held at the Arcade unless otherwise specified.


The membership categories and the corresponding minimum
annual qualifying contribution for each are:

Sustainer — $500
Benefactor — $250
Partner — $100
Friend — $50
Business — $50
Family — $30
Single — $20
Student — $5

Memberships are for one year (January 1st to December 31st). The Society sends a renewal notice to members late in the year before their renewal is due. Membership and other contributions to the Society are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. An application for membership can be printed by clicking here.